Interview preparation of Data Structure

How do you find the height of a node in a tree?


The height of the node equals the number of edges in the longest path to the leaf from the node, where the depth of a leaf node is 0.


Explain the max heap Data Structure.

Ans: It is a type of heap data structure where the value of the root node is greater than or equal to either of its child nodes.


Explain the jagged array.

Ans: It is an array whose elements themselves are arrays and may be of different dimensions and sizes.


List some applications of multilinked structures?

Ans: Sparse matrix, Index generation


Name the ways to determine whether a linked list has a loop.

Ans: Using hashing, Using the visited nodes method (with or without modifying the basic linked list data structure), Floyd’s cycle-finding algorithm


Do dynamic memory allocations help in managing data? How?

Ans: Dynamic memory allocation stores simple structured data types at runtime. It has the ability to combine separately allocated structured blocks to form composite structures that expand and contract as needed, thus helping manage data of data blocks of arbitrary size, in arbitrary order.


Differentiate NULL and VOID

Ans: Null is a value, whereas Void is a data type identifier

Null indicates an empty value for a variable, whereas void indicates pointers that have no initial size

Null means it never existed; Void means it existed but is not in effect.


What is an AVL tree?

Ans: An AVL (Adelson, Velskii, and Landi) tree is a height balancing binary search tree in which the difference of heights of the left and right subtrees of any node is less than or equal to one. This controls the height of the binary search tree by not letting it get skewed. This is used when working with a large data set, with continual pruning through insertion and deletion of data.


What are the advantages of binary search over a linear search?

Ans: A binary search is more efficient than a linear search because we perform fewer comparisons. With linear search, we can only eliminate one element per comparison each time we fail to find the value we are looking for, but with the binary search, we eliminate half the set with each comparison.

Binary search runs in O(log n) time compared to linear search’s O(n) time. This means that the more of the elements present in the search array, the faster is binary search compared to a linear search.


What are the differences between the B tree and the B+ tree?

Ans: The B tree is a self-balancing m-way tree, with m defining the tree's order. Depending on the number of m, Btree is an extension of the Binary Search tree in which a node can have more than one key and more than two children. The data is provided in the B tree in a sorted manner, with lower values on the left subtree and higher values on the right subtree.


The B+ tree is an advanced self-balanced tree since every path from the tree's root to its leaf is the same length. The fact that all leaf nodes are the same length indicates that they all occur at the same level. Specific leaf nodes can’t appear at the third level, while others appear at the second level.


What are Binary trees?

Ans: A binary tree is a tree data structure made up of nodes, each of which has two offspring, known as the left and right nodes. The tree begins with a single node called the root.

Each node in the tree carries the following information:


A pointing device indicates the left kid.

An arrow pointing to the correct child


List the types of trees?

Ans: Data structure interview questions like this are very common and frequently asked


The General Tree

A tree is referred to as a generic tree if its hierarchy is not constrained. In the General Tree, each node can have an endless number of offspring, and all other trees are subsets of the tree.


The Binary Tree

The binary tree is a type of tree in which each parent has at least two offspring. The children are referred to as the left and right youngsters. This tree is more popular than most others. When specific limitations and features are given to a Binary tree, various trees such as AVL tree, BST (Binary Search Tree), RBT tree, and so on are also utilized.


Tree of Binary Search

Binary Search Tree (BST) is a binary tree extension that includes numerous optional constraints. In BST, a node's left child value should be less than or equal to the parent value, while the correct child value should always be higher than or equal to the parent's value.


The AVL Tree

The AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. The term AVL is given in honor of the inventors Adelson-Velshi and Landis. This was the first tree to achieve dynamic equilibrium. Each node in the AVL tree is assigned a balancing factor based on whether the tree is balanced or not. The node kids have a maximum height of one AVL vine.


Red and Black Tree

Red-black trees are another type of auto-balancing tree. The red-black term is derived from the qualities of the red-black tree, which has either red or black painted on each node. It helps to keep the forest in balance. Even though this tree is not perfectly balanced, the searching process takes just O (log n) time.


The N-ary Tree

In this sort of tree with a node, N is the maximum number of children. A binary tree is a two-year tree since each binary tree node has no more than two offspring. A full N-ary tree is one in which the children of each node are either 0 or N.


What are the applications of graph Data Structure?

Ans: Transport grids where stations are represented as vertices and routes as the edges of the graph

Utility graphs of power or water, where vertices are connection points and edge the wires or pipes connecting them

Social network graphs to determine the flow of information and hotspots (edges and vertices)

Neural networks where vertices represent neurons and edge the synapses between them.


Define the graph Data Structure?

Ans: It is a type of non-linear data structure that consists of vertices or nodes connected by edges or arcs to enable storage or retrieval of data. Edges may be directed or undirected.


What are some examples of divide and conquer algorithms?

Ans: Quicksort is the name of a sorting algorithm. The method selects a pivot element and rearranges the array elements so that all items less than the pivot chosen element go to the left side of the pivot and all elements more significant than the pivot element move to the right side.


Merge Sort is a sorting algorithm as well. The algorithm divides the array into two halves, sorts them recursively, and then combines the two sorted halves. The goal of points that are closest together is to identify the nearest pair of points in an x-y plane collection of points. The issue may be solved in O(n2) time by computing the distances between each pair of locations and comparing them to determine the shortest distance.


How does the Selection sort work?

Ans: Selection sort works by repeatedly picking the smallest number in ascending order from the list and placing it at the beginning. This process is repeated moving toward the end of the list or sorted subarray.


Scan all items and find the smallest. Switch over the position as the first item. Repeat the selection sort on the remaining N-1 items. We always iterate forward (i from 0 to N-1) and swap with the smallest element (always i).


Time complexity: best case O(n2); worst O(n2)

Space complexity: worst O(1)


What is the merge sort? How does it work?

Ans: Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for sorting the data. It works by merging and sorting adjacent data to create bigger sorted lists, which are then merged recursively to form even bigger sorted lists until you have one single sorted list.


Which sorting algorithm is considered the fastest? Why?

Ans: A single sorting algorithm can’t be considered best, as each algorithm is designed for a particular data structure and data set. However, the QuickSort algorithm is generally considered the fastest because it has the best performance for most inputs.


Its advantages over other sorting algorithms include the following:


Cache-efficient: It linearly scans and linearly partitions the input. This means we can make the most of every cache load.

Can skip some swaps: As QuickSort is slightly sensitive to input that is in the right order, it can skip some swaps.

Efficient even in worst-case input sets, as the order is generally random.

Easy adaption to already- or mostly-sorted inputs.

When speed takes priority over stability.


Where can stack Data Structure be used?

Ans: Expression evaluation


Memory management

Function calling and return


What is a Dequeue?

Ans: It is a double-ended queue, or a data structure, where the elements can be inserted or deleted at both ends (FRONT and REAR).


What is a postfix expression?

Ans: A postfix expression is made up of operators and operands, with the operator coming after the operands. That is, in a postfix expression, the operator comes after the operands. Likewise, what is the proper postfix form? The correct postfix phrase is A B + C *.


What is a queue Data Structure?

Ans: In this type of data structure interview questions, you can also discuss your experience and situations using queue. A queue is an abstract data type that specifies a linear data structure or an ordered list,  using the First In First Out (FIFO) operation to access elements. Insert operations can be performed only at one end called REAR and delete operations can be performed only at the other end called FRONT.


What is a queue Data Structure?

Ans: In this type of data structure interview questions, you can also discuss your experience and situations using queue. A queue is an abstract data type that specifies a linear data structure or an ordered list,  using the First In First Out (FIFO) operation to access elements. Insert operations can be performed only at one end called REAR and delete operations can be performed only at the other end called FRONT.


What are dynamic Data Structures? Name a few.

Ans: They are collections of data in memory that expand and contract to grow or shrink in size as a program runs. This enables the programmer to control exactly how much memory is to be utilized.

Examples are the dynamic array, linked list, stack, queue, and heap.


What is a doubly-linked list? Give some examples.

Ans: It is a complex type (double-ended LL) of a linked list in which a node has two links, one that connects to the next node in the sequence and another that connects to the previous node. This allows traversal across the data elements in both directions.


Examples include:

A music playlist with next and previous navigation buttons

The browser cache with BACK-FORWARD visited pages

The undo and redo functionality on a browser, where you can reverse the node to get to the previous page.


Are linked lists considered linear or non-linear Data Structures?

Ans: Linked lists are considered both linear and non-linear data structures depending upon the application they are used for. When used for access strategies, it is considered as a linear data-structure. When used for data storage, it is considered a non-linear data structure.


How are the elements of a 2D array stored in the memory?


Row-Major Order: -In row-major ordering, all of the rows of a 2D array are stored in memory in a contiguous manner.

First, the first row of the array is entirely stored in memory, followed by the second row of the array, and so on until the final row.


Column-Major Order: In column-major ordering, all of the columns of a 2D array are stored in memory in the same order. The first column of the array is entirely saved in memory, followed by the second row of the array, and so on until the last column of the array is wholly recorded in memory.


Describe the types of Data Structures?

Ans: The following are the types of data structures:


Lists: A collection of related things linked to the previous or/and following data items.

Arrays: A collection of values that are all the same.

Records: A collection of fields, each of which contains data from a single data type.

Trees: A data structure that organizes data in a hierarchical framework. This form of data structure follows the ordered order of data item insertion, deletion, and modification.

Tables: The data is saved in the form of rows and columns. These are comparable to records in that the outcome or alteration of data is mirrored across the whole table.


List the area of applications of Data Structure.

Ans: Data structures are applied extensively in the following areas of computer science:

Compiler Design,

Operating System,

Database Management System,

Statistical analysis package,

Numerical Analysis,


Artificial Intelligence,



What is the difference between file structure and storage structure?

Ans: Difference between file structure and storage structure:

The main difference between file structure and storage structure is based on memory area that is being accessed.

Storage structure: It is the representation of the data structure in the computer memory.

File structure: It is the representation of the storage structure in the auxiliary memory.


Which data structure is used to perform recursion?

Ans: Stack data structure is used in recursion due to its last in first out nature. Operating system maintains the stack in order to save the iteration variables at each function call.


Write the stack overflow condition.

Ans: Overflow occurs when top = Maxsize-1


Write the postfix form of the expression: (A + B) * (C - D)

Ans: AB+CD-*


Write the syntax in C to create a node in the singly linked list.

Ans: struct node  

    int data;  

    struct node *next; 


struct node *head, *ptr;  

ptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 


If you are using C language to implement the heterogeneous linked list, what pointer type should be used?

Ans: The heterogeneous linked list contains different data types, so it is not possible to use ordinary pointers for this. For this purpose, you have to use a generic pointer type like void pointer because the void pointer is capable of storing a pointer to any type.


What are the drawbacks of array implementation of Queue?


Memory Wastage: The space of the array, which is used to store queue elements, can never be reused to store the elements of that queue because the elements can only be inserted at front end and the value of front might be so high so that, all the space before that, can never be filled.

Array Size: There might be situations in which, we may need to extend the queue to insert more elements if we use an array to implement queue, It will almost be impossible to extend the array size, therefore deciding the correct array size is always a problem in array implementation of queue.


State the properties of B Tree.

Ans: A B tree of order m contains all the properties of an M way tree. In addition, it contains the following properties.


Every node in a B-Tree contains at most m children.

Every node in a B-Tree except the root node and the leaf node contain at least m/2 children.

The root nodes must have at least 2 nodes.

All leaf nodes must be at the same level.


List some applications of Tree-data structure?

Ans: Applications of Tree- data structure:


The manipulation of Arithmetic expression,

Symbol Table construction,

Syntax analysis

Hierarchal data model


Differentiate among cycle, path, and circuit?


Path: A Path is the sequence of adjacent vertices connected by the edges with no restrictions.

Cycle: A Cycle can be defined as the closed path where the initial vertex is identical to the end vertex. Any vertex in the path can not be visited twice

Circuit: A Circuit can be defined as the closed path where the intial vertex is identical to the end vertex. Any vertex may be repeated.


Which data structures are used in BFS and DFS algorithm?


In BFS algorithm, Queue data structure is used.

In DFS algorithm, Stack data structure is used.



What are Infix, prefix, Postfix notations?


Infix notation: X + Y – Operators are written in between their operands. This is the usual way we write expressions. An expression such as

   A * ( B + C ) / D

Postfix notation (also known as “Reverse Polish notation”): X Y + Operators are written after their operands. The infix expression given above is equivalent to

   A B C + * D/

Prefix notation (also known as “Polish notation”): + X Y Operators are written before their operands. The expressions given above are equivalent to

   / * A + B C D



What is the difference between an Array and Stack?



Stack Data Structure:


The size of the stack keeps on changing as we insert and delete the element

The stack can store elements of different data types

Array Data Structure:


The size of the array is fixed at the time of declaration itself

Array stores elements of similar data type


When can you tell that a Memory Leak will occur?


A memory leak occurs when a program does not free a block of memory allocated dynamically.


Convert the below-given expression to its equivalent Prefix And Postfix notations.

((A + B) * C - (D - E) ^ (F + G))


Prefix Notation: ^  * +ABC  DE + FG

postfix Notation: AB + C * DE FG + ^


What are the resources of algorithm analysis?

Ans. An algorithm can be analysed using two resources.

Time, Space

Both are the criteria used to analyse the algorithm.

The time is measured by the no. of processes and space is measured by the CPU memory needed by the algorithm.


What is the difference between the algorithm and flowchart?

Ans: An algorithm is a step-by-step representation of a given problem or a program. A flowchart is a graphical representation of the sequence of operations or a program.


What do you mean by pseudocode?

Ans: Pseudocode is an informal way such as everyday English that helps the programmer to develop algorithms.


What do you mean by memory allocation?


Memory allocation is of two types:

Static memory allocation: it is also called compile-time allocation using arrays

Dynamic memory allocation: it is also called run time allocation using pointers.


Explain traversing of a binary tree with example expression is :(p+q)*(4-3)

Ans. Inorder:      p+q*4-3

Preorder:   *+pq-43

Postorder:  pq+43-*


What do you mean by AVL rotation?

Ans. To make itself balanced an AVL tree may perform four kinds of rotations.


Left rotation

Right rotation

Left-right rotation

Right-left rotation


What do you mean by external sorting?

Ans. External sorting is applied to the huge amount of data that can not be in the memory all at a time.


What do you mean by internal sorting?

Ans. When all the data that is to be sorted can be accommodated at a time in memory then internal sort methods such as bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, etc are used.  


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