Learn MS-Office Unit - 2 Microsoft Office Concept of Word, Excel and Power point How to start of Word, Excel and Power point Features and Applications of Ms-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Powerpoint Creating / Opening / Saving and Printing Document / Workbook / Presentation Video Microsoft Word - 2010 Formatting Document Protecting, hyperlink, footnote and endnote Mail Merge and Macro Insert Shapes, Image and Table with its options options Video Microsoft Excel - 2010 Introduction to Excel's Parts, Workbook, Worksheet, Row, Column, Cell and Addressing Modes Formatting worksheet Conditional Formatting Pivot Table and Chart Functions: Statistical, Mathematical, Financial and Database functions Naming Range, Sorting & Filtering, Freeze Panes and What-If Analysis Video Microsoft PowerPoint - 2010 Introduction to Power Point, its parts and Insert Media Types of Power Point views Slideshow setup and Printing presentation Formatting slides Slide transitions Custom Animation Video