UNIT - 1
Introduction to Java
Object-Oriented Paradigm
Basic Concepts: Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding
What is Java, JDK, and JRE?
The main() method, A First Java Program, Compiling and Executing
Data types: Primitive & Non-primitive
Variables and Declarations
Scope Variables
Constants & its type
UNIT - 2
Operators and Expression
Operator Precedence
Control Statements A. Decision Control Statements C. Jumping Statements;
B. Loop Statements
Class and Object
Methods, Calling Methods, Defining Methods, Method Parameters
Java New keywords
Constructor & Its types
Destructor, Garbage Collector, Finalize() method
Methods & Overloading Methods
Static Variable, Block and Methods
Inheritance & Its types with Full Example
Method Overloading and Method Overriding
Access Modifiers & its types
Final Variable, Method and Class
Abstraction in Java
Unit - 3
Array and Types of Array in Java
String: String Array and its simple operations
Class: String with its methods
StringBuffer and its methods with example
Wrapper class, Auto boxing and Unboxing
Vector Class
Packages & its types
Interface and its types
Error, Exception and Its types
Exception handling code and syntax
throw, throws and finally
User defined exception
Introduction to Java
Object-Oriented Paradigm
Basic Concepts: Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding
What is Java, JDK, and JRE?
The main() method, A First Java Program, Compiling and Executing
Data types: Primitive & Non-primitive
Variables and Declarations
Scope Variables
Constants & its type
UNIT - 2
Operators and Expression
Operator Precedence
Control Statements A. Decision Control Statements C. Jumping Statements;
B. Loop Statements
Class and Object
Methods, Calling Methods, Defining Methods, Method Parameters
Java New keywords
Constructor & Its types
Destructor, Garbage Collector, Finalize() method
Methods & Overloading Methods
Static Variable, Block and Methods
Inheritance & Its types with Full Example
Method Overloading and Method Overriding
Access Modifiers & its types
Final Variable, Method and Class
Abstraction in Java
Unit - 3
Array and Types of Array in Java
String: String Array and its simple operations
Class: String with its methods
StringBuffer and its methods with example
Wrapper class, Auto boxing and Unboxing
Vector Class
Packages & its types
Interface and its types
Error, Exception and Its types
Exception handling code and syntax
throw, throws and finally
User defined exception