Kotlin Constructors: Primary & Secondary Explained 🚀


Kotlin Constructors: Primary & Secondary Explained 🚀

Imagine you're filling out an online form to register for a course. You can:
1️⃣ Enter all details upfront and submit. ✅
2️⃣ Enter only basic details first and add more information later. 🔄

This is exactly how constructors work in Kotlin!

  • Primary Constructor: 📜 Defines all properties in one place.
  • Secondary Constructor: 🔄 Allows additional ways to create objects with different inputs.

📌 In this blog, we’ll explore:

✅ What is a Constructor? 🤔
✅ Primary Constructor 🏗️
✅ Secondary Constructor 🔄
init Block 🔥
✅ Constructor Overloading ⚙️
✅ Real-World Applications 🌍

1️⃣ What is a Constructor? 🤔

📌 A constructor is a special function that initializes an object when it is created.

💡 Think of it like a factory that builds objects!

Kotlin has two types of constructors:

Type Description
Primary Constructor Declared in the class header (short & clean).
Secondary Constructor Defined inside the class body (for flexibility).

2️⃣ Primary Constructor 🏗️

📌 A Primary Constructor is the main way to initialize a class.
📌 It doesn’t have a body and is defined in the class header.

🔹 Example: A Simple Person Class

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int) {
    fun greet() {
        println("Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.")

val p1 = Person("Alice", 25)
// Output: Hello, my name is Alice and I am 25 years old.

No need to define name and age separately – the primary constructor does it!

3️⃣ init Block 🔥 (For Extra Initialization)

📌 The init block is executed when the object is created.
📌 Used to run additional logic during initialization.

🔹 Example: Using init to Print a Message

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int) {

    init {
        println("A new person named $name, aged $age, has been created!")

val p2 = Person("Bob", 30)
// Output: A new person named Bob, aged 30, has been created!

Perfect for logging, validation, or additional setup!

4️⃣ Secondary Constructor 🔄

📌 A Secondary Constructor lets us create objects in multiple ways.
📌 It must call the primary constructor using this().

🔹 Example: Adding a Default Age

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int) {

    // Secondary Constructor
    constructor(name: String) : this(name, 18) {
        println("$name is assigned a default age of 18.")

val p3 = Person("Charlie")
// Output: Charlie is assigned a default age of 18.

This allows us to create a Person with just a name, defaulting to age 18!

5️⃣ Constructor Overloading ⚙️

📌 Overloading means defining multiple constructors with different parameters.

🔹 Example: Multiple Ways to Create a Car

class Car(val brand: String, var speed: Int) {

    // Secondary Constructor with only brand
    constructor(brand: String) : this(brand, 0) {
        println("$brand car created with default speed 0 km/h.")

    fun accelerate() {
        speed += 10
        println("$brand is now moving at $speed km/h")

val car1 = Car("Tesla", 50)
val car2 = Car("BMW")  // Uses the secondary constructor
// Output: BMW car created with default speed 0 km/h.  
//         BMW is now moving at 10 km/h.

We can now create a car with just a brand or with both brand and speed!

6️⃣ Real-World Applications 🌍

🔹 1. User Registration System

class User(val name: String, val email: String) {

    // Secondary Constructor for users without email
    constructor(name: String) : this(name, "Not Provided") {
        println("Email not provided for $name.")

val u1 = User("Alice", "alice@example.com")
val u2 = User("Bob")
// Output: Email not provided for Bob.

Helps in cases where some data may be optional!

🔹 2. Bank Account System

class BankAccount(val accountNumber: String, var balance: Double) {

    // Secondary Constructor for new accounts with 0 balance
    constructor(accountNumber: String) : this(accountNumber, 0.0) {
        println("New account $accountNumber created with zero balance.")

val acc1 = BankAccount("12345", 1000.0)
val acc2 = BankAccount("67890")
// Output: New account 67890 created with zero balance.

Allows flexibility in initializing different kinds of accounts!

🔟 Conclusion: Why Use Primary & Secondary Constructors? 🎯

Primary Constructor: Short and clean initialization.
init Block: Extra setup after the object is created.
Secondary Constructor: More flexibility in object creation.
Constructor Overloading: Multiple ways to initialize a class.

💡 Next time you design a class, think about whether you need a primary, secondary, or both! 🚀

💬 What’s your favorite use case for Kotlin constructors? Let me know in the comments! ⬇️😊

Thanks a lot for query or your valuable suggestions related to the topic.

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