Lesson Plan: Unit - 01
Subject: P15A2AAD - Android Application Development
Topic of Study: Application Context
Grade/Level: Master of Computer Applications
Objective: To explore the mechanism of Application Context
Time Allotment: 55 Minutes
- Context
- An Android Context is an Interface (In Java, Context is actually an abstract class) that allows access to application specific resources and class and information about application environment.
- Context is the base class for Activity, Service, Application, etc
- Different methods by which you can get context
- getApplicationContext()
- getContext()
- getBaseContext()
- or this (when in the activity class)
- Example:
- TextView TV=new TextView(this);
- this -> refers to the context of the current activity.
- Context is context of current state of the application/object.
- It allows access to application-specific resources and classes.
- It is use for application-level operations such as launching activities, broadcasting and receiving intents, loading resources, launching a new Activity, obtaining a system service, getting internal file paths etc.
- Context used in android application development everywhere.
- So, take care the wrong use of it leads to memory leaks in the application.
- Ways to get Context:
- view.getContext():
- It's the activity context which the view is hosted.
- Activity.getApplicationContext():
- Exa.: Context con = getApplicationContext();
- get the current application context, when we need context, this global context need to be consider at first.
- Toast can use ApplicationContext.
- Types of Context...
- Activity/Service Context
- Each Activity or Service, and their corresponding base context are unique per-instance.
- It is refers to the application level environment.
- This context is available in an activity / service.
- This context is tied to the life cycle of an activity or a service.
- Example: If you have to create an object whose life cycle is attached to an activity / service, you can use the activity/service context.
- Application Context
- Application – is a singleton instance running in your application process.
- It can be accessed via methods like getApplication() from an Activity or Service, and getApplicationContext() from any other object that inherits from Context.
- Difference between getApplication() and getApplicationContext()
- Android OS has main four components including Activity, Service, Content Provider and Broadcast receiver.
- Actually both functions return application object since application itself is a context.
- So why android provide two functions?
- The reason is because getApplication() is only able to be used in Activity and Service.
- In other components like BroadcastReceiver is only able to use getApplicationContext() to get application object.
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