Lesson Plan: Unit - 04
Subject: P15A2AAD - Android Application Development
Topic of Study: Working with Shapes
Grade/Level: Master of Computer Applications
Objective: To draw a different shapes using XML or JAVA code.
Time Allotment: 55 Minutes
- Working with Shapes
- You can define and draw primitive shapes…
- Rectangle
- Line
- Oval
- Path
- Arc
- The ShapeDrawable class in conjunction with a variety of specialized Shape classes.
- Two ways: 1. XMLresources 2. Programming
- Defining Shape Drawables as XML Resources:
- Step 01: Design in XML
- Step 02: Define in Java code.
- Defining Shape Drawables Programmatically:
- You can also define these ShapeDrawable instances programmatically.
- The different shapes are available as classes within the android.graphics.drawable.shapes package.
- Drawing Rectangles and Squares
- Drawing Rectangles with Rounded Corners
- Drawing Ovals and Circles
- Drawing Arcs
- Drawing Paths
- Drawing Rectangles and Squares:
- Exa.
- Drawing Rectangles with Rounded Corners:
- Exa.
- Drawing Ovals and Circles:
- Exa.
- Drawing Arcs:
- Exa.
- Drawing Paths: