Lesson Plan: Unit - 03 Internet
Subject: BELE2CFA: Computer Fundamentals And Applications
Topic of Study: Intranet, Extranet and WWW
Grade/Level: Bachelor of SCIENCE
Objective: To explore the working of Intranet, Extranet and WWW
29.0 Intranet and Extranet
- Intranets can be defined as private networks, accessible by an organization’s staff, only.
- for Example: Employees of University
- It is used for internal communications.
- It provide high speed.
- It is own, control and manage by same organization.
- An extranet can be defined as private or public networks, with permits controlled access to authorized external users.
- for Example: Students, Parents, Teachers (Internal members) and Vendors, Suppliers (External members) of University.
- It is used for checking result, attendance, tender status and order with email.
- It is provide medium speed compare to intranet.
- It is own, control and manage by same or multiple organizations.
29.1 World Wide Web
- English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented World Wide Web in 1989.
- It is also called as Web.
- In WWW, all the resources are identify by URL.
- In short, it is also called as W3.
- This kinds of resource are interlinked through hyperlink.
- HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
- Allows for the retrieval of linked resources from across the web.
- HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
- The markup (formatting) language for the web.
- Hyper Text is a linked word within text used to jump other text or document.
- URI or URL:
- Uniform Resource Identifier.
- A kind of “address” that is unique and used to identify to each resource on the web.
- It is also commonly called a URL.
- Web Browser:
- It is an web application software to browse the internet resources.
- To access resources of web from internet, we need to browser.
- Example: