Create sequence [start with integer] [increment by integer] [maxvalue integer | nomaxvalue] [minvalue integer | nominvalue] [cycle | nocycle] [cache integer] [order | noorder]
alter sequence [increment by integer] [maxvalue integer | nomaxvalue] [minvalue integer | nominvalue] [cycle | nocycle] [cache integer] [order | noorder]
create sequence seq_rollno start with 1 maximum value 10 cycle cache 5;
alter sequence seq_rollno incremenet by 2 maximum value 100;
Insert into student values(seq_rollno.nextval, 'satish');
Insert into student values(seq_rollno.nextval, 'Sarthak');
drop sequence;
drop sequence seq_rollno;
- Sequence is a sequential list of unique numbers.
- It is useful for table's column without maximum I/O operations.
- The number of sequence are integers numbers.
- It has mximum 38 digits.
- The sequence store its information in oracle data dictionary "USER_SEQUENCES".
- For Example:
- Assume two users are simultenously insert new employee rows in employee table.
- So, the sequence automatically generates the correct value for each other.
- Syntax:
Create sequence
- Alter sequence Syntax:
alter sequence
- Example:
create sequence seq_rollno start with 1 maximum value 10 cycle cache 5;
- Example:
alter sequence seq_rollno incremenet by 2 maximum value 100;
- Accessing columns:
- There are special two columns.
- It is also calledd pseudo columns.
- 1. currval: It will return current value of sequence.
- 2. nextval: it increase the value of sequence and return next value.
- Syntax:
- Example:
Insert into student values(seq_rollno.nextval, 'satish');
Insert into student values(seq_rollno.nextval, 'Sarthak');
- How to drop sequence?
- Syntax:
drop sequence
- Example:
drop sequence seq_rollno;